Headache - Just A Thought Running Through The Brain Wearing Stilettos...

 Headache is the most common pain incidence suffered by Indians. The thin layer of tissue (periosteum) that surround bones, muscles that encase the skull, sinuses, ears, as well as thin tissues that cover the surface of the brain and spinal cord (meninges), arteries, veins, and nerves, all can become inflamed or irritated and cause headache. Headache is often associated with nausea and vomiting. This is especially true with migraine headaches.


When headaches become a recurring phenomenon, they can impact various aspects of our life. People take headaches as 'acceptable'. If someone is experiencing a dull, throbbing somewhere in their head, they still manage to go about their daily chores and ignore it till it goes away. Irritability, frustration and anger are some common emotions that people suffering from chronic headaches exhibit.


Here is how headaches can impact our life:

  • On family life:- most people suffering from chronic headaches reported that they easily get irritated and angry with their spouse and children on trivial issues. This, in turn, made their family's life more difficult because most headaches tend to subside when an individual gets sleep; several people believe that they got to spend less quality time with their loved ones. Some even miss family events, holidays and vacations because they are unable to get out of bed due to the intense pain in their head.
  • On work life:- chronic headaches are associated with decreased productivity. If a person is suffering from an incapacitating headache, they are unable to perform to the best of their ability. Sometimes, when the headache is too severe, they prefer to stay at home and take a sick leave. However, if this happens too often, it can negatively impact their reputation at work. This is true even more so because a person suffering from a headache appears fine on the outside. To put it simply, failure to obtain or retain jobs, promotional disadvantage, job changes (department or occupation), and reduction in productivity, voluntary resignation, low participation in out-of-work activities, and sick leave are some of the ways in which chronic headaches can affect one's work life.
  • On personal well-being:- you will often find individuals who are living with chronic headaches expressing strong feelings of anger and depression. This is because of their inability to lead a pain-free, normal life. They often resent those in their family and friends who don't suffer from debilitating headaches. This, in turn, makes them feel guilty for entertaining negative thoughts. When family members don't understand the severity of their headaches, they gradually move from frustration to depression. All these emotions affect their personal health and well-being in the long run. 



Symptoms of Headaches:

  •  The characteristics of a headache - and the effects of daily life - can vary. A headache:
    • affect one or both sides of the head
    • radiate from a central point
    • involve sharp, throbbing, or dull pain
    • have a vise-like quality
    • come on gradually or suddenly
    • last from under an hour to several days
  • The features of the pain depend, to some extent, on the type of headache.


A person may have symptoms that are consistent with more than one type of headache, and that more than one type of headache may be present at the same time. A broad range of conditions and factors can cause headaches.

Factors that lead to headaches are:

  • Emotional, such as stress, depression, or anxiety.
  • Medical, such as migraine or high blood pressure
  • Physical, such as injury
  • Environmental, such as the weather


There are several widely-held myths about headache. Not only do these myths mislead patients, but they also perpetuate false information about headaches.

Here are 7 common myths associated with headaches:

  • Only adults get headaches:- 
    • Headaches don't just trouble grown-ups. Unfortunately, kids get them too. The only difference is that they can't always articulate how much their head hurts, especially young ones. Although not always serious, it is necessary to keep an eye on headaches in children and consult a medical practitioner if they get worse with time.
  • Migraines are the most common type of headache:-
    • While so many people are aware about migraines, not many know about tension headaches. 80% of headaches are tension-type headaches. These headaches are so common because of our lifestyle that causes stress. 
  • Tension headaches are caused by big stressors:-
    • Most people believe that changes in job, marital issues, moving to a different city or other major life stressors are the root cause of tension headaches. But not many know that it is the everyday stuff like looming deadlines, sitting in a traffic jam or even your neighbor playing their music too loud that can trigger tension headaches.
  • Allergies cause sinus headaches:-
    • While sinus headaches are not caused by allergies, they can be exacerbated by them. When you contract an allergy, your sinuses may get inflamed. This may in turn prevent mucus from draining out like it should. When this happens, you may develop pain in your forehead, cheekbones or along the bridge of your nose.
  • Headaches are psychological in nature:-
    • Most headaches have an underlying physical cause. For instance, tension headaches are caused because the muscles in your head and neck become strained. These strained muscles then send out pain signals which you experience on both sides of your head.
  • Stress does not trigger migraines:-
    • Stress is known to trigger migraines. Whether you are experiencing emotional or physical stress, it can lead to migraine. When one experiences stress, certain chemicals are released that provoke vascular changes which can cause a migraine attack.
  • Only women suffer from recurring headaches:-
    • Men experience headaches just as often as women do. While men are at a lesser risk from migraines and tension headaches, they are four times more likely to get cluster headaches.

Headaches can arise in any region of the head, either in one part of the face or skull, or may be generalized involving the whole head. Different types of headaches are triggered by different causes and they occur at various locations. For instance, while some headaches appear behind one or both eyes, some capture your temple area. So common is the sensation of a throbbing, squeezing, constant, unrelenting or intermittent head that almost half of all adults globally will experience at least one headache in any given year 1.




  • Photos and Videos-  
    • https://www.pexels.com/ 
  • Content- 

    • https://www.medicinenet.com/

    • https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/

    • https://www.combiflam.co.in/

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